How.i.met.your.mother 12

How i met your mother S01E01 - Scene 12

Scene twelve [Cut to cab] Barney: Why are we still sitting here? Let’s go! We can still make last call. What do you say Lil? (Pirate Accent) Yo, ho ho and a bottle o’ rum? (Silence) ‘Cuz you’re a pirate… Lily: Okay, eye patch gone—(takes eye patch off and throws it at Barney) And we can’t just abandon Ted. If it doesn’t go well up there he’s gonna need some support. Marshall: It’s been like twen..

How i met your mother S01E01 - Scene 5

Scene Five(Taxi on the way to hospital) Marshall: I’m sorry, Lily. I’m so sorry. Take us to the hospital. Cabdriver: Whoa, whoa, whoa—did you hit her? (Laughter) Lily: Hit me? Please, this guy could barely even spank me in bed for fun. He’s all like, (hits ice in bag using to cover eye) “Oh, did that hurt?” and I’m like, “Come on, let me have it, you pansy!” (realizes) Wow, complete stranger. Ca..

How i met your mother S01E01 - Scene 4

--------- Scene Four (The Bar—Focusing on Ted and Robin) Narrator: It was like something from an old movie. Where the sailor sees the girl across the crowded dance floor, turns to his buddy and says, “see that girl? I’m gonna marry her someday” Ted: Hey Barney, see that girl? Barney : Oh, Yeah. You just know she likes it dirty. Go say “Hi”. Ted : I can’t just go say “Hi”. I need a plan. I'm gonn..