English/How i met your mother?

How i met your mother S01E01 - Scene 10

John.Cho 2012. 9. 5. 17:44

Scene ten


[Cut to Robin’s Apartment]

Robin: So, Ted. What brings you back to Brooklyn at 1:00 in the morning in a—suit.

Ted: I was just hoping.....to get those olives… that you said I could have.

Robin: Would you like those olives with some Gin and Vermouth?

Ted: Are you trying to get me drunk?

Robin: For starters (turns music on. Leaves to the kitchen)

Ted: (Looks up and mouths) Thank you.

[Cut to the Cab]

Barney: So, Marshall. This “Olive Theory” based on you and Lily?

Marshall: Yeah…

Barney: You hate olives? Lily loves them, you can’t stand them.

Marshall: Yeah, hate olives.

Barney: Two weeks ago, Spanish bar on 79th Street, dish of olives—you had some. What up?

Marshall: (looks around for sign of Lily) You have to swear that this does not leave this cab.

Barney: I swear.

Ranjit: (Cuts into conversation) I swear.

Marshall: On our first date, I ordered a Greek salad; Lily asked if she could have my olives. I said, “Sure… I hate olives.”

Barney: But you like olives!

Marshall: Well, I was eighteen, okay? I was a virgin. Been waiting for my whole life for a pretty girl to want my olives.

Barney: Marshall, I’m gonna get you an early wedding present. Don’t get married.